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Do You Know How to Handle Rejection?

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

Being rejected is really a painful experience that can oftentimes stop us from doing the things that we have to. So if we you want to learn how to handle rejection, here are some steps.

Rejection is an inevitable part of our life, and it can be one of the greatest fears that can cause the utmost damage to our personalities and to our life

“Rejection comes in various forms and may occur even in the smallest ways. But whatever the situation is, we always tend to blame ourselves for being rejected.”

The way we deal with rejection is really important in helping us uphold our self-respect and dignity.

We cannot prevent rejection

No one escapes the pain caused by rejection. The time comes when, for no obvious incident or reason, another person turned against us and throws some unkind remark.

When someone rejects us, we have the propensity to feel so small, unloved, worthless, very much insecure, and insignificant. We even lose our self-confidence oftentimes and worse, rejection could lead us in doing something disgraceful like some form of vengeance. But it all boils down to one thing the truth that whoever we are and no matter how tough we may be, being rejected really hurts.

When someone rejects us, we have the propensity to feel so small, unloved, worthless, very much insecure, and insignificant. We even lose our self-confidence oftentimes and worse, rejection could lead us in doing something disgraceful like some form of vengeance. But it all boils down to one thing the truth that whoever we are and no matter how tough we may be, being rejected really hurts.

Rejection comes in various forms and may occur even in the smallest ways. But whatever the situation is, we always tend to blame ourselves for being rejected. Even if we know that it is the other person’s problem and not ours.

The way we deal with rejection is really important in helping us uphold our self-respect and dignity. Since rejection happens in many ways, info on how to handle rejection also varies. There are ways to handle rejection from a loved one, how to handle rejection from significant others, how to handle rejection in dating, how to handle rejection in marriage, how to handle rejection for writers, and a lot more tips on how to handle rejection from various persons and in different situations.

Unfortunately, we cannot prevent rejection, but we must keep in mind that it can be destroyed only if we internalize it and permit it to go through our belief system. It is truly important to be equipped with knowledge on how to handle rejection because it will help us accept ourselves. Aside from that, learning the correct way how to handle rejection can help us easily overcome the feeling of being worthless, lack of self-esteem, and our failure to build healthy relationships with other people.

Being rejected is really a painful experience that can oftentimes stop us from doing the things that we have to.

So, if we you want to learn how to handle rejection, here are some steps. Have confidence. If you consider rejection as a curse, then confidence can heal it. If you have self-confidence, then you are organized, and you feel good about yourself so you don’t have to worry about what other people will think about you. This means that the more confident you are, the better you will be good in handling different forms of rejection.

The next tip on how to handle rejection is to have time to reflect and think of new perspectives and inner learning. Bear in mind that if someone rejects you, he or she has been rejected before. And dumping you is just a sort of defense mechanism. It is also important to know yourself. Know your weaknesses and maintain your sense of humor, your open perspective, and your bubbling confidence.

Be confident and consider rejection as a challenge. Another vital thing in learning how to handle rejection is to bear in mind that we all have dissimilar needs and tastes. So, you don’t have to listen to everything people say.

Since we all want to be liked, studying various means how to handle rejection is a must. It takes away the feeling of wanting to crawl back into our shells until we feel good and stronger again. Also, internalizing these steps on how to handle rejection helps us feel good about ourselves.

You can only do so much to avoid rejection. How you deal with it will determine how successful you will be.

Here are ten rejection rituals to overcome the sting of No.

1. Write an encouraging letter to yourself. Remind yourself who you are and why it is worth some suffering.

2. Write another letter that expresses your emotions to the rejector (then throw it away). Make this fun and really go for it because you are not going to send it.

3. Revisit a former success such as a contest won or a prior showing. Gloat over your previous victories and know that they are just the beginning of your success.

4. Spend some time free writing on your experience with rejection. Start with the prompt, “When I was rejected….

5. Throw a tantrum. Grab a big pillow and pummel it with all the force of your disappointment and anger. Rant and rave about the unfairness of it all.

6. Exercise. Go for a walk or a run or a bike ride, or whatever you do to get into your body. Offer up your sweat to the rejection.

7. Some people save their rejection letters. You may want to add it to a file or…

8. Burn the rejection letter, and with it, all the disappointment.

9. Call a supportive friend and tell them about the rejection. You may ask them to recount your strengths as an artist and a person. Make sure this friend can offer unconditional reassurance as part of your rejection ritual.

10. Do any of the above rituals and then get back to whatever you were creating. You must keep going!

Okay, so you have done everything on the anti-rejection checklist (and more!) to ensure the best possible result. And you’ve been rejected, nonetheless. Now follow the post-rejection checklist to deal with it and keep moving.

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